 HOMAGE 1974-2005


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"My connection with Haydn, this gifted artist and exceptional gentleman, was with his sculpture which is now located at the Cambridge Library and Art Gallery.

It has become a very special part of the Library/Art Gallery site, punctuating the fine architecture of the building and underscoring the reality that the Library/ Gallery has, in fact, grown to become the community’s major arts centre. You will also be pleased to know that Haydn’s sculpture continues to be well maintained.

I salute this Gentleman and Artist whose life and spirit has left a singular mark on the Canadian landscape of art, ideas and humanity."

Eric Dewdney: Cambridge Art Gallery

"I worked with Haydn back in 1974 at McCann Erickson where I was a young copywriter and Haydn was one of the most respected, and always best dressed, senior executives. Haydn's name first caught my attention. I couldn't figure out which vowel was missing.

I don't recall ever having a conversation with Haydn, he was far too senior, but he seemed to have something that the other execs did not. I never knew what it was until one sunny day in the 70's when I stopped on my bike near St. Clair Avenue to watch a man on his front lawn tinkering with what looked to be a work of art in progress. It was Haydn. As far from the advertising world as possible.

Over the years, I remarked often to colleagues about yearning to do what Haydn had done, that image of him on the lawn engrossed in art burning in my brain. I sold my advertising agency in 2003 and now putter around with art stuff. Not as courageous as Haydn to quit cold turkey - that takes guts, nor nearly as talented, but loving it. Thanks for the inspiration Haydn!"

Jim Ranscombe: Toronto

"Haydn Davies is considered to be one of the country's leading contemporary constructivists."

Michael Burtch: Curator, Art Gallery of Algoma

Regarding the Destruction of "HOMAGE":

"Visual arts are not placed highly in the estimation of the public."

Alison Hymas: President, Royal Canadian Academy of Artists

"These people are supposed to be educated leaders of the community. What kind of example does that set?"

Aaron Milrad: Canadian Copyright and Intellectual Property Lawyer

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